01 August 2011

How to Grow Your Own Food if You’re a Renter by Green Your Decor

How to Grow Your Own Food if You’re a Renter

As many of you know, Marc and I are (it seems) always going to be renters.  The one thing we have always wanted is a garden.  When we close our eyes and visit our happy place, it generally includes a garden with fresh vegetables, fruit, and herbs that we can sweat in and feed our family.  That and traveling around Austria. It's becoming alarmingly clear that neither of these dreams will happen any time soon.  Therefore, we have taken matters into our own teeny apartment hands and created our own container garden.  Most neighbors look at our patio as a cluttered dump because of the debris caused by large tomato plants and teeny tiny patio.  No matter, we will continue this small slice of bliss until we are able to live inside our dream.  (Which looks oddly similar to your house, Bill and Michelle!)

If any of you are like us, this post by Green Your Decor will definitely help stir some ideas in your brain on how to accomplish it easily and without much money.

Read on.

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